2014 – Partnership ARPEE and ENERGYNOMICS to promote energy efficiency in media.
2014 – The partnership between ARPEE and The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest (CCIB) – whose goal is to propose the joint development of programs and activities with an impact on the business community in Bucharest.
2014 – Partnersheep between Asociatia Romana pentru Promovarea Eficientei Energetice (ARPEE) and Federatia Patronala Energetica (FPEN) proposes to promote solutions and mechanism of energy efficiency, to elaborate common statements regarding official documents regarding energy policy documents issued by the state institutions in the field.
2013 – Asociatia Romana pentru Promovarea Eficientei Energetice (ARPEE) together with Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare în domeniul Energiei (ANRE) mobilizes all the competences for elaboration the measures of promoting energy efficiency in order to achive objectives of energy efficiency national programm.